When the enclave began to form in 2005, most of us met through a series of synchronicities. That is, a set of meaningful coincidences that seemed to be purpose driven. As we began to know each other better it was realized that each individual resident of the enclave possessed a high degree of sensitivity. Whether it was the ability to accurately sense animals, get feelings about this or that situation or read others emotional reactions we all seemed to possess a heightened clairsentience. The misfits had found a home!
When the group began to coalesce into a community, we began to think about decision making. We found a community out in California that looked pretty successful. It is located in an area called “Baggins End”. It took me sometime of nosing around their site before I “got” the inside humor. (I will lead it to the individual reader to figure it out) The group governs itself by employing consensus. There are several great websites that cover the general processes of consensus; they can be found here and here. There have been some people who have wanted to join in our group that couldn’t get comfortable with this type of governance. Consensus is not for everybody.
There seems to be an overall agreement with our residents that there is “Something” that ties humanity together. Somehow we are all connected. Each one of us has a slightly different interpretation of exactly how this connection works, but we all agree that there is something. Very early on, all of us intuitively developed the For Me, (4Me, hence the title… I decided to try my hand at l33t.), philosophy when it came to religious beliefs. Our group is made up of people that come from a variety of religious backgrounds and while all are free to discuss, no one forces their beliefs on anyone else. Again, there have some who wanted to join our group but began to proselytize…They didn’t stick around long.
As I have said before, our little group consists of 25 and me. We all share in the work however each of us has a specialty. Our talents consist of:
Carpentry, which includes boat building. (Yes I built the one in my avatar)
Vet tech/Medic—(Hey, if it’s good enough for my cat it’s good enough for me)
Large animal specialist
Machine operators
Hunters/Fishermen (Sorry, fisherpeople just doesn’t sound right)
Most of us have overlapping skills. All of us teach in one form or another. We try to impart skills and knowledge to anyone in need. After the collapse of the local public education systems in our area, we began to write and implement a system like the WALC initiative in the Bay Area Schools. Our philosophy is that the greatest impediment to education is the disconnect experienced by the student in the class room, and the real world outside. We use the environment as the classroom, whenever possible.
One talent we don’t have in-house is a Smith. There are two locally, so we work with them.
That pretty much sums up my thumbnail sketch of our little group. Must go now, work calls…
6 years ago
The Sundance Channel "Big Ideas for a Small Planet" is doing a segment on Superstruct - and we're looking for players who are doing "physical" activities for the game. I thought you might be a good fit.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience:
Eric Kutner
"Big Ideas for a Small Planet" is a Sundance Channel documentary series that profiles forward-thinking designers, products and processes. You can learn more about the show at our website -
- and see a representative episode -
If you ever need the services of a 'Smith' and your local contacts cannot assist you contact me. The ole boy is very good with 'Smith' work and I am sure he would be happy to lend a hand if needed.
That would be GREAT! Thanks Beverly. Now if we can only figure out logistics. I need a little guy shoed. He weighs almost a ton and stands at about 20hands.
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